Welcome to Jay Miller’s Circus 2025
“We all need live, family entertainment right now!”
Never to disappoint, we are beyond proud to present to you yet again another FIRST-CLASS Circus production. Providing family entertainment, traditional in presentation yet modern in content.
Following the reviews of “Fantastic value for money”, “An Unforgettable experience” and “Great fun for all the Family” In 2025 we continue to bring the art of Live Entertainment to cities & towns throughout the UK.
Simply visit : www.jaymillerscircus.co.uk/tickets
Our ALL NEW production is now in FULL preparation mode & with some of our special ‘Miller Magic’ mixed in, you definitely DO NOT want to miss out on this years BRAND NEW show – “Stetsons & Sequins”
So! What are you waiting for?! BOOK NOW for possibly, what we believe, the best show to date!
Enjoy the smell of the Candy Floss, freshly made Popcorn and all that creates a family fun experience where the atmosphere is pure CIRCUS!
JAY MILLERS CIRCUS IS BACK – A fantastic family show that’s suitable for all ages
Early booking is strongly advised.
Jay Millers Circus is striving to create a show that is as as sustainable & as eco-friendly as possible. We therefore ask you to consider how you can reduce your carbon footprint when visiting our circus . May we suggest that you possibly use public transport, car share, bicycle or even walk to help minimize your impact on the environment.