Mischievous, yet Marvellous…Clown Peppi is BACK by popular demand!!
Performing under the Jay Millers Big Top since 1996, his hilarious, witty banter and charming personality win the hearts of our audience members EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. We are proud to announce that our 2024 tour marks his 28th year with us here at Jay Millers, and it’s safe to say he is now a huge part of the Miller family. He is a firm favourite of not only yours but also ours. Something you may not know is that Clown Peppi is talented in more ways than one. His day-to-day jobs (alongside performing) include maintaining our Circus transport, programming, and maintaining production lights and sound. His latest passion is creating props for not only our team but professional artists around the world. Not forgetting that he’s also our general funny man behind the ring curtains and in the Circus ring.